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A bi-weekly student-led architectural fanzine.

One of the key ways architecture works is in defining its space of operations, and therefore defining what architecture actually is. As a subject, architecture is broad. Plumbing to philosophy, ecology to economics, culture to cut files, environment to entertainment, and so on. Its breadth can be overwhelming, so one key architectural act can be to articulate what architecture is for oneself. 

The idea of the author also being changeable — as a citizen, as a user, as a practitioner, as one person or a society, and so on. Rather than receiving an idea of what architecture should be in terms of subject, role, and relationship to the world, we can form specific definitions that articulate other positions.

The bi-weekly fanzine of Studio Jacob speculates on architecture's meanings, possibilities, and realities. It features combinations of editorial, comment, reviews, picture stories, cartoons, interviews, horoscopes and more. Its remit is extremely local as well as generalist and global. Stories can be from the studio, the school, the city, the world. 

Put together by 5 students, the content, and format is always chosen by the student-editors. It is speculative, provisional, public, and rough — providing a space outside the studio to explore and test positions and ideas.

The zine, titled "Brief", is being presented in a transparent envelope reminiscent of the packaging of the Austrian postal service. This envelope partially reveals its contents, which consist of printed materials, index cards, postcards and a game, creating an interactive and engaging experience for the reader. On the back cover, a direct letter explains the presentation method and gives the reader the feeling of being a co-author.

The zine focuses on the theme of "Hostile Architecture" and emphasises that the presentation and process of creating a magazine can be just as important as the content itself. The zine-editors researched and visited sites of hostile architecture in Vienna, provoking internal discussions about the nature and impact of such designs. The zine compiles various examples, statements, questions and tasks to encourage readers to participate in the discussion and develop their own perspectives on hostile architecture.

Joel Nikles, Marlene Ortner, Moritz Pfister, Jonas Ramoser, Zhongzehng Zhang

ZINE_2 ‘Temporarily Permanent’

“The newspaper vanishes when the wind blows. All that remains is the act of literation; the book.”
- Abbas Maroufi (1957-2022)

Zine 2.0 tries to highlight the liminal and dialectic relationship between concepts of temporary and permanent. Providing a platform for potentially forgotten or passing moments of everyday life, we asked the reader to consider whether they view the selected phenomena as more temporary, or more permanent.

The pages printed on out-of-date posters found around the university, remnants of previous events. The pages are ordered differently in every copy, flattening the hierarchy of content chronology. 

The zine opens to the central spread, where a mind map is found in every edition, a mind map articulating the dualistic frame in which concepts can be viewed - in some cases permanent, in some cases temporary. 

John Clayson, Tilman Fabini, Erfan Khosravi, Mohammad Sajad Ghaderi, Mikael Ristmets

ZINE_3 ‘Fill - Filter - Film’

The thrid Zine issue was an investigation on the rejection of origin in favour of recontextualisation regarding the consumption of information. Through an exercise of exposure to a vast quantity of information, participants in the creation of the Zine had the opportunity to place a series of quotes and images into a blank template in order to try to excavate meaning out of excess. 

Angelica Cher, Maria Gross, Allen Bell, Eda Sefa, Yurii Brytov

ZINE_4 ‘’

The Zine No.4 is unraveling the intricate dance between culture, class, fashion and architecture. The readers embark on a journey through the landscape of style and structure, exploring the dynamic relationships that shape our cities and wardropes. Together with striking interview partners one can find out how fashion and architecture connect and interact, answering questions of the politics of taste and the cultural appropiation that accompany trends

Christiane Braml,Mihaela Carpov, Matthew Simpson, Sofie Wetten,Jonathan Kielhorn

Have you ever noticed how much building facades can resemble a human face? 
The fifth issue of the Zine is a collection of face-like builing facades taht were found in Vienna. By publishing this issue, this Zine is encouraging the readers to join this game, to find faces not only in the shown examples, but also in the city that we are passing through everyday.

Igor Ivanec, Hoda Balouchi, Hümeyra Cam, Melika Hadjarzadeh, Mintong Lu